Teaching, Facilitation and Mentoring

Since leaving the formal education sector and my role with the Arvon Foundation, I worked for 18 years in the field of creative learning as a senior leader at Manchester’s Royal Exchange Theatre. Much of this role involved facilitating creative workshops, projects and training programmes with schools, pupil referral units, adults in social care settings, a diverse range of communities, the theatre’s young and elders companies, teachers, university lecturers and other artists. Throughout this time I also continued to freelance as a facilitator and visiting tutor for a range of organisations including the Arvon Foundation, the BBC, and the Universities of Manchester, Bolton, Salford and MMU.

My current portfolio includes 1-1 mentoring, freelance workshop design and delivery, consultancy, research and evaluation. I regularly work as a creative writing tutor, visiting lecturer and theatre consultant.

MC-ing at The Royal Exchange Theatre

MC-ing at The Royal Exchange Theatre


Recent and Current:


Visiting Drama Writing Tutor: The University of Manchester

Visiting Creative Writing Tutor: The Edge Theatre, Manchester

Visiting Writing Fellow: Manchester Metropolitan University, The Manchester Writing School

The Poetry Business: Digital poetry workshops

Associate Artist: Manchester Royal Exchange Theatre

Royal Literary Fund: Lector, Reading Round programme

Royal Literary Fund Social Sector Projects Fellow: working in rehabilitation facilities in Leeds with individuals recently released from prison. Lifewriting project with UNISON and USDAW.

Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough. Consultancy and review over 12 months

Mentoring individual writers and artists across a range of disciplines and genres – recently for BBC, Naked Productions and The Poetry Society and by private arrangement.